The Scarcity Brain: Michael Easter On How To Rewire Your Habits to Thrive with Enough

The Scarcity Brain: Michael Easter On How To Rewire Your Habits to Thrive with Enough

The Rich Roll Podcast

In a world saturated with comforts, overstimulation, and the perpetual allure of convenience, a crisis has quietly emerged. It is the pervasive influence of the “Scarcity Brain” that wires our minds to crave more. Michael Easter, an author, investigative journalist, and UNLV professor, offers insights to rectify the craving mindset in his books, The Comfort Crisis and the New York Times bestseller Scarcity Brain. Michael reveals the driving psychological aspect behind our technological compulsions—exploiting the scarcity loop—comprising components of opportunity, unpredictable rewards, and quick repeatability. Our evolutionary origins in scarcity clash with our present reality of abundance. The conversation extends to Michael’s journey with sobriety, exploring the scarcity loop’s impact on
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