Episode 35: Douchebags and Desert

Episode 35: Douchebags and Desert

Very Bad Wizards

Dave and Tamler talk about the influence of character judgments on attributions of blame. What is the function of the blame--to assign responsibility or to judge a person's character? Is it fair that we blame douchebags more than good people who commit exactly the same act, or is it yet another cognitive bias that should be avoided? Plus we delve into the Richie Incognito hazing story (maybe a little early since the story has developed) and Tamler tries to figure out how to teach the Gospels to students who know roughly 100 times as much about them than he does.  Links "The Miami Dolphins and Everything that Will Never Make Sense." by Andrew Sharp.  (grantland.com) Interview with Richie Incognito (youtube.com)  Gospel of Matthew [wikipedia.org] Synoptic Gospels [wikip
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0m 1s
0m 18s

Very Bad Wizards is a podcast with a philosopher, my dad and psychologist Dave Pizarro having an informal discussion about issues in science and ethics. Please note that the discussion contains bad words that I'm not allowed to say and knowing my dad, some very inappropriate jokes.

0m 18s
0m 33s

I don't like their heads, I don't like their faces, I don't like their feet. I don't like their conversations. I don't like their hairdos. I don't like their automobiles. I don't like their dogs or the cats or their roses.

0m 41s
0m 42s

Has spoken.

0m 44s
0m 47s

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

0m 53s
0m 59s

Who are you? Who are you? A very bad man. I'm a very good man.

0m 60s
1m 1s

Good man.

1m 4s
1m 20s

They think deep thoughts and with no more brains than you have. Pay no attention tonight, man. Anybody can have a brain. You're a very bad man.

1m 20s
1m 34s

I'm a very good man. Just a very bad wizard. Welcome to very bad wizards. I'm Tamler Summers from the University of Houston. Dave, do you think I blame you more because you have such a bad character?

1m 36s
1m 53s

I'm David Pizarror from you know I really deeply, truly believe that I'm blameless. I don't think I've ever done anything wrong or hurtful like Jesus. Like Jesus. I don't know. He hurt Judas's feelings by calling him out in front of all his friends.

1m 53s
1m 55s

I don't even know what Judas did. What did he do?

1m 57s
2m 7s

He betrayed Jesus by selling him for silver to the Romans. The reason for centuries of anti Semitism right there.

2m 8s
2m 9s

How much silver?

2m 9s
2m 11s

I think it was 20 pieces.

2m 11s
2m 15s

20 pieces. I mean that's probably back then.

2m 15s
2m 18s

There's a price on our Lord and Savior is what you're saying.

2m 20s
2m 26s

Look, he can just resurrect himself anytime he wants, so I don't really see the problem.

2m 26s
2m 34s

Well, not only that, but it was like part of the divine plan. Somebody had mean it had to happen.

2m 35s
2m 36s

Judas stepped.

2m 38s
3m 2s

It'S. It's kind of like your Greek story that we talked about last time and that you just wrote a flickers of freedom post on, which is if it's decreed by fate and somebody has to do really is it really blame worthy? So Judas ended up hanging himself out of guilt, I guess. Or maybe the other disciples made it look like a suicide.

3m 2s
3m 4s

That's probably what it was.

3m 5s
3m 9s

They put the gun in his hand and it was like rigor mortis hand.

3m 11s
3m 15s

Sprinkled a little crack on him to make it look drug related.

3m 15s
3m 17s

CSI, where did this happen?

3m 17s
3m 19s

Rome in Hebrew land.

3m 22s
3m 25s

Would figure out that that was no suicide.

3m 25s
3m 51s

So actually your question is going to lead us nicely into your topic, but both you and I wanted to mention a couple of things. One is this there are people who know a lot about the brain because you and I don't. And they're friends of ours, they're friends of the podcast and have really supported us in the past and we are doing all we can to spread the word neuro TV. They have a Kickstarter fund TV.

3m 51s
3m 52s

They have a kickstarter.

3m 52s
4m 11s

I think they've done a couple they have episodes up. So they're trying to do to get there, which is a worthy cause because you and I have talked about doing video and how difficult that might be. But they have full video. They're trying to raise money for production, make it look schnazzy, get some good mics, get some good video cameras.

4m 11s
4m 22s

Yeah. Speaking of that, there's a possibility that we might do a collaboration with blogging heads, but there are a few hurdles, one of which is that we have.

4m 22s
4m 26s

Faces for radio, that we have faces for audio podcasts. Yeah.

4m 27s
4m 34s

And we're too, like most people, they don't give a shit. They just accept that. But that's hard for I know.

4m 34s
4m 41s

So Tamler was thinking of having dancing nude men behind him to sort of increase the production value of his I.

4m 41s
4m 49s

Just think I would look better with a bunch of swinging dicks in my face sort of banging on my head and stuff like that.

4m 49s
4m 52s

Behind rubbing in your haunted haircut?

4m 52s
4m 60s

Excuse me if I feel a little more comfortable with like nine dancing naked men behind me. Sorry, does that make me weird?

5m 0s
5m 5s

I don't blame you at all. Okay, so support Neuro TV. Support our podcast.

5m 6s
5m 31s

Verybadwizards.com go to the support page, Amazon. Just bookmark that Amazon link and the way Dave set it up, it's not that clear what you have to press, but it's that it just says support us on Amazon. And you just click that and anything you buy on Amazon that you were going to buy anyway, a little cut of that goes down.

5m 31s
5m 32s


5m 32s
5m 41s

And thank you for all the people who have done it, because we have gotten some nice little Amazon gift cards come out of that. That's allowed us to purchase some things.

5m 41s
5m 45s

I didn't tell you about purchase everything. I purchase everything on Amazon Prime now.

5m 45s
5m 57s

Yeah. I love it. I love it's. Sometimes I wonder how many people are being oppressed because I can get my crappy stuff delivered second day through Amazon Prime.

5m 58s
6m 7s

Well, as a devoted Apple user, clearly that's not something that you think about or care.

6m 9s
6m 13s

Just sometimes it's worth it. Sometimes oppression is worth.

6m 14s
6m 18s

I own is fair trade organic.

6m 18s
6m 20s

It's fair trade organic.

6m 22s
6m 37s

All right, actually, this will lead into our topic. I want to tell you about this story. It comes from the world of the NFL, and I know you're sort of a hipster know the problem is that.

6m 37s
6m 40s

I was raised by Latin Americans. We don't know the rules of football.

6m 42s
7m 3s

It's not that. It's that you're a hipster and that the only sports you follow are Premier League soccer and curling. You're a big curler. Admit that you watch curling and follow it. There's this big sort of controversial story coming out about Richie Incognito.

7m 3s
7m 4s

That sounds like a porn name.

7m 5s
7m 6s

It does, doesn't it?

7m 6s
7m 8s

Richie Incognito. Stars.

7m 8s
7m 51s

Apparently, that's just his name, though, and he's a fellow offensive lineman, Jonathan Martin. And Jonathan Martin recently quit the team, or he just took a leave of absence from the team dealing with emotional problems. And it came out that this Richie Incognito guy has been just kind of harassing him. Now, the background of this is that he was a rookie last year and Jonathan Martin and rookies get hazed in the NFL. They get hazed badly and they get, for some reason, they have to pay for everything, even though they're generally now not the wait, what do you mean by everything? What?

7m 51s
7m 52s

What do you mean, pay for everything?

7m 52s
9m 31s

Pay for like they had to I mean, one of the things at issue here is that he had to pay for $15,000 for a trip to Las Vegas for all the linemen that he didn't even go to. They have to pay for all the dinners that they go out to. And the guys are dicks, right? They'll order bottles of crystal. There was just details that there was harassment and the big guy that was doing it, it seems like, was Richie Incognito little added element. Richie Incognito is white, jonathan Martin is black. This has been a real interesting controversy in the NFL because Jonathan Martin filed actual harassment charges against Richie Incognito and that led to Richie Incognito getting fired. Not fired, suspended, but probably will never now play for the Dolphins again. And what I'm really interested in is the reaction to this story, but let me just give you a sample of this voicemail that Richie Incognito left. And this was back in April, and this was part of the evidence, and this evidence was leaked somehow. So the voicemail went, hey, what's up, you half N word piece of shit? I saw you on Twitter, you've been training ten weeks. I want to come in your mouth. I'm going to slap your fucking mouth. I'm going to slap your real mother across the face. Laughter fuck you. You're still a rookie. I'll kill you.

9m 32s
9m 33s


9m 33s
9m 59s

And so that was one of the voicemails. Now, what's interesting about this to me, a couple of things, right? Normally, when these kind of hazing stories come out, it's not the first, right? This is just a tradition in the NFL. This is something that has been going on forever and it's never been something that everyone feels comfortable with, but it's.

9m 59s
9m 60s

Just sort of

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