#704: Q&A with Tim — New Religions, AI Companions, Longevity Levers, Resurrecting “Forgotten” Languages, Stress-Testing Cherished Beliefs, Tactics for Writer’s Block, Low-Back Pain, and Much More

#704: Q&A with Tim — New Religions, AI Companions, Longevity Levers, Resurrecting “Forgotten” Languages, Stress-Testing Cherished Beliefs, Tactics for Writer’s Block, Low-Back Pain, and Much More

The Tim Ferriss Show

Brought to you by  Eight Sleep’s Pod Cover  sleeping solution for dynamic cooling and heating; Cometeer  delicious hyper-fresh, flash-frozen coffee; and  AG1  all-in-one nutritional supplement. Hello, boys and girls, ladies and germs. This is Tim Ferriss. Welcome to another episode of The Tim Ferriss Show , where it is usually my job to sit down with world-class performers of all different types to tease out the habits, routines, favorite books, and so on that you can apply and test in your own life. This time, we have a slightly different format. I’m the guest, and you asked the questions. I recently sat down with subscribers to my email newsletter for a fun and live Q&A on YouTube. To join these exclusive Q&A sessions in the future, it’s simple. Just sign
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This episode is brought to you by Cometier. That's spelled Cometeer. Cometeer is hyper fresh, expertly brewed flash frozen coffee that produces an incredibly delicious cup. Now, I have to be honest, I was very skeptical of flash frozen coffee. And I thought at face value, this is probably just a gimmick, yada, yada, yada. But as you know, I am an avid coffee drinker. I talk about caffeine and coffee a lot on this show. And when it landed on my doorstep, when I first started testing it, I thought to myself, this is actually incredible. It is locked in at peak freshness, and you can sample coffee from some of the top roasters, not just in the US, but around the world. And I went in with one eyebrow raised, and I'm sure some of you have one raised right now, but the coffee is absolutely delicious. It's pretty incredible and I'm able to avoid bitterness completely. Cometier lets you prepare your coffee with no mess, no machines, no burning, no bitterness whatsoever. It's a fast and foolproof way to a truly delicious cup of specialty coffee. They source high quality beans from the country's top roasters and some outside of the country that includes counterculture, bird rock, George Howell, equator coffees, which I used to have. I used to drive 45 minutes from my house in San Francisco to have equator coffee, just to give you an idea. And you can get it through cometier, birch Joe Coffee, Red Bay, go get them. Tiger Clatch, onyx, square mile, black and white intelligentsia, which was in the four hour chef as an example in Chicago, and on and on. So you can get all sorts of coffee you wouldn't otherwise be able to get because it is frozen. Using their process. Their coffee is brewed using proprietary technology to pull out more flavor compounds and antioxidants. Then it's flash frozen at -321 degrees fahrenheit to lock in the incredible flavor and freshness of the specialty brew. I already mentioned this, but it's worth reiterating. Cometier ships to you in 100% recyclable capsules that you store in the freezer. And if you were to walk into my kitchen right now and look in the freezer, it is chock full of cometier coffee. Simply add hot water and you've got a game changing cup of coffee lickety split. It's very fast. It's easily customizable in seconds for iced coffees, lates, espresso martinis, and more. If you've never had an espresso martini, I recommend it. It's pretty game changing. We'll cover that another time. Cometier is also great to travel with when you need a cup and don't want to sacrifice quality. Their capsules are TSA approved, so order today@cometier.com. Timtim and listeners of this podcast will receive $25 off of their first order. So visit cometier.com timtim to learn more and get $25 off of your first order when you join the future of coffee with Cometier. This episode is brought to you by eight sleep temperature is one of the main causes of poor sleep, and heat is my personal nemesis. I've suffered for decades tossing and turning, throwing blankets off, pulling the back on, putting one leg on top, and repeating all of that ad nauseam. But now I am falling asleep in record time. Why? Because I'm using a device that was recommended to me by friends called the pod cover by eight sleep. The pod cover fits on any mattress and allows you to adjust the temperature of your sleeping environment, providing the optimal temperature that gets you the best night's sleep. With the pod cover's dual zone temperature control, you and your partner can set your sides of the bed to as cool as 55 degrees or as hot as 110 degrees. I think generally in my experience, my partners prefer the high side and I like to sleep very, very cool, so stop fighting. This helps. Based on your biometrics, environment and sleep stages, the pod cover makes temperature adjustments throughout the night that limit wakeups and increase your percentage of deep sleep. In addition to its best in class temperature regulation, the pod cover sensors also track your health and sleep metrics without the need to use a wearable until November 30. My listeners can save $350 on the pod cover. Go to eight sleep Tim. All spelled out, that's eight sleep Tim for these exclusive holiday savings. One more time. That's eight sleep Tim. For these exclusive and very special holiday savings, eight sleep currently ships within the US, Canada, the UK, select countries in the EU, and Australia. At this altitude, I can run flat out for a half mile before my hands start shaking. Can I answer your personal question now? Where does it. Well, hello, boys and girls, ladies and germs, anyong Haseol. I'm recording this from Seoul, Korea, and this is Tim Ferriss. Welcome to another episode of the Tim Ferriss show, where it is usually my job to sit down with world class performers of all different types to tease out the habits, routines, favorite books and so on that you can apply and test in your own lives. This time around, we have a slightly different format. In fact, it's the inverse. I am the guest and you guys asked the questions. I recently sat down with subscribers to my email newsletter for a fun and live Q A on YouTube. That was a private YouTube Q A to join these exclusive Q A sessions in the future. It is very simple. Just sign up for my newsletter at Tim Blog Slash Friday. And after you sign up every Friday, you will receive my free five bullet Friday newsletter, a very short email of five bullet points. It is one of the most popular newsletters in the world and I love doing it. It's basically like my diary of cool things. So each newsletter describes the five coolest things that I have found or explored or experimented with that week, often including books, gadgets, tech workarounds, tricks from experts, including a lot of podcast guests who send me amazing things, strange experiments. Of course, that's what I do as a human guinea pig and weird stuff from all over the world. My subscribers have seen a lot of things at the edges before they've gone mainstream. Dozens and dozens of things way out at the edges. So it's a lot of fun. But back to the intro for this episode. In this episode, I answer questions on resurrecting quote unquote forgotten languages. So languages you've studied a really long time ago, dog training, writer's block, reducing alcohol intake, AI companions training, the good enough muscle, low back pain, and different tools for that. The importance of weight training and muscle mass, travel recommendations for Japan, managing fear of death and the descent to death. Oh boy. Breaking negative self talk and much, much more. We really cover a lot of ground and I had a blast doing it and I hope you enjoy listening to it. Thanks for tuning in. We have questions that were pre submitted and then we have questions that are coming in in the live feed and I will do my best to answer a whole bunch of both. So why don't we dive in? The first question I'll answer is from the live feed. This is from Zaheer. Are you actively taking any actions to reduce your carbon footprint? Yes, I am. There are certainly a number of different steps you can take in terms of funding new technologies. A lot of my investing over the last, I would say three to four years has been in various types of tech, different products and services that I think will overall help people to reduce carbon footprint. I also donate money monthly to different causes and companies, including charm industrial, which puts oil back underground. People can check that out@charminustrial.com. And that I believe is now funded through, as it stands for me, terracet. I believe that is how I'm going about doing this terracet climate so people can look at that as a means, for instance, to hopefully offset some of the carbon footprint of my travel and other things. I am intensely aware of individual action, but also the necessity, in a sense, to, number one, not try to consume our way out of this problem, but also simultaneously to recognize that we do need better technology. So it's a combination of different things. This is a question from the live feed. What classical career are you in in a parallel reality? This is espanol three two seven. I would say neuroscientist or marine biologist. Those were the two professions that I most wanted to pursue after age, say, twelve or 13. Prior to that, it was comic book pencilr. So I would say those are my classical careers as such, that might exist in some parallel set of universes in the multiverse on other tracks that are running parallel to this one. Let me go to the questions that were presubmitted, and I will answer a number of those and we'll bounce back and forth. So the next question is going to be from Lucas. Hey, Tim, you mentioned in an interview that you allowed yourself to live your life unoptimized. Are you still living an unoptimized life? I would say that there's optimizing and de optimizing happening simultaneously in the sense that there are certain things that I am optimizing to define that. Simply tweaking variables to, say, improve certain outputs based on the inputs. Right. So looking for an elegant refinement insomuch as I might approach something like Occam's protocol in the four hour body, which I've ended up following again, roughly

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