#628 - Garry Tonon & Eddie Bravo

#628 - Garry Tonon & Eddie Bravo

The Joe Rogan Experience

Garry Tonon is a World Champion jiu jitsu black belt. Eddie Bravo is a jiujitsu black belt, music producer, and author. He also hosts his own podcast called Eddie Bravo Radio. Garry will be competeing at Eddie Bravo Invitational: EBI3 on March 22, 2015 with more info & PPV access available @ www.eddiebravoinvitational.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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0m 0s
0m 20s

Live. Hey, everybody. This is a very special podcast. A very special Saturday afternoon podcast. We're watching an old fight from 1954 that was supposed to be a pro wrestling match with Gary Tonin, one of the best jujitsu artists in America today. One of the hot young fucking killers of grappling. And of course, my brother, Eddie. Bravo.

0m 20s
0m 21s

Yo, yo.

0m 21s
0m 41s

Holla. And we're watching this video that we found. All of us found this on the underground. Someone posted it. I'll have to give the dude props. I forget his name, but it's Kamura. The guy who. The shoulder lock. The Kamura was named after because he used it on Alio Gracie back in. What was that? Like the. Something like that?

0m 41s
0m 43s

Man, I don't know.

0m 43s
0m 44s

I don't know when that was.

0m 44s
0m 47s

Well, this is only 1962.

0m 47s
0m 49s

I wouldn't know. It was a long ass time ago.

0m 49s
0m 50s

Black and white era.

0m 50s
1m 6s

Point being, he did some pro wrestling, and he did a pro wrestling match with this guy. I think I'm saying this right. I hope I'm saying that right. I'm just reading. I never heard anybody say it.

1m 6s
1m 10s

That's a big japanese. He's huge. He's huge.

1m 10s
1m 35s

And this match starts out like. This starts out a pro wrestling match where they're, like, doing a bunch of stuff. They're kind of allowing each other to push each other around. And there, somewhere in the match, it becomes like a war. And the big dude right there, the kick to the balls. Look at this right hand. And this just turns into a fight. This is 100% a fight now.

1m 35s
1m 36s

Oh, yeah.

1m 36s
1m 39s

He's looking around, panicking. What the fuck is going on?

1m 39s
1m 49s

He's panicking. He tries to clinch. And this is real now. This is a real single. Like, he's fucked up. Look, the referee says, don't do that. And boom. He punches him in the face. He's poking him in the eyes. Kicks him.

1m 49s
1m 50s

Oh, shit.

1m 50s
1m 53s

Kicks him again. Wait for this, though. This gets even crazier. Look at this.

1m 53s
1m 54s

Open hand, slaps.

1m 54s
2m 10s

He soccer kicks him, man. He headlocks him. Boom, look at this shit. This is totally real now. Boom, look at that shit. I mean, he's fucked up right now, and this dude is still beating. His referee doesn't know if it's fake or not.

2m 10s
2m 11s

I guess.

2m 11s
2m 17s

I don't know. Check this out. Here's the finishing combo. The referee looks at his eyes. You'll find back in.

2m 17s
2m 18s

Oh, shit.

2m 18s
2m 19s

Yeah, he's great.

2m 19s
2m 21s

I think the ref's afraid he'll kick.

2m 21s
3m 1s

His ass, walk in the park and look at that left. The left hand that he dropped him with. 100% legit. 100% legit. Back that up just a little bit, Jamie, to that last combination right about there. You don't fake shit like this when he stood up. Well, it's a little bit before this, Jamie, that he soccer kicked him. Go a little bit before this. Yeah, when he was against right there, Jamie. That's good. See, this is when the dude is desperately scrambling, trying to take him to the ground. And Rikito Zan again. I hope I'm saying that right. Just is beating that ass. He was mostly doing open hands, but he's kicking him, too. And then he kicks him again. Boom. The bitch slap right to the ear.

3m 2s
3m 7s

Did you see? Kamura walked to the round and looked at him and said, dude, what the fuck is going on here?

3m 7s
3m 27s

Look at that. Boom. I mean, that is. You cannot fake head kicks like that. That's 100% legit. This guy is getting the fuck beat out of him. It's crazy, man. I mean, he gets up, he's already really badly fucked up. The referee checks his eye, dude, don't worry about your eye, dude.

3m 27s
3m 35s

There's a good chance that that knockout was just him. Like, I don't know how to end this. Let me just drop to the fucking floor and pretend like I can't breathe.

3m 35s
3m 45s

Maybe. Right, that last left hand holding onto the rope, he got fucked up, man. It's so crazy. I've never seen anything like that before.

3m 45s
3m 46s

Stay down, dude.

3m 46s
3m 47s

Stay down.

3m 47s
4m 5s

Where it starts out just a pro wrestling match and turns into full on Valley Tudo. See, this is so cool. We were talking about this before the podcast started that it's so cool that shit like this exists. And we can watch some historical moments in martial arts. This is a historical moment.

4m 5s
4m 10s

Wow. I wonder what the aftermath was. Did the guy got rematch or something?

4m 10s
4m 11s

No, he got murdered.

4m 11s
4m 12s

Who got murdered?

4m 12s
4m 13s

The big guy.

4m 13s
4m 15s

Because of this, probably.

4m 15s
4m 19s

That's the story. That's the legend. How much of it is true? Who knows?

4m 19s
4m 30s

You know what? I would lean to believe that, because that guy got his ass thoroughly kicked. He got the double crossed on tv, and he could have.

4m 31s
4m 34s

Yeah, yeah, he could have died. He was getting soccer kicked hard.

4m 34s
4m 47s

I can definitely see Kamora having some deep connections with the yakuza. And they said, we got to kill this motherfucker. That's it. No rematch. No grappling match, no submission only, no metal. Morris, kill this motherfucker right himself.

4m 47s
4m 48s

Killing him?

4m 48s
4m 54s

Yeah, just kill him quick. Murder him. Make it ugly.

4m 54s
5m 2s

The dude who put the video up is Ian Paisley is my hero. That's his name on the underground. So thanks to that dude, that's one.

5m 2s
5m 6s

Of the most brutal ass kickings ever of all time. Caught on video.

5m 6s
5m 41s

And there's another dude who posted something. His name is P-O-L-O-N-I-S-T-A. Polonista, I guess you would say it. And he wrote a whole breakdown of what happened. And apparently this, you know, Kimura was saying that Rikitozan, that he got taken for greed and the money and the fame, he lost his mind and just started beating the fuck out of the dude. And so apparently they stabbed him with a urine soaked knife. That's what the story is. This is so crazy. He died, like, days later.

5m 41s
5m 42s

Supposed to drink it.

5m 42s
5m 43s

We ran out of the poison tip.

5m 43s
5m 45s

Maybe only your own, maybe.

5m 46s
5m 48s

Yeah. Someone else's piss gets inside of you, you're fucked.

5m 48s
6m 11s

It could be. Well, you know, they do those poop things where they take poop and they transmit fecal matter. They transplant it to someone's intestinal tract. And apparently it's supposed to be good for your body. Like, to get that bacteria, like somebody else's bacteria in your body through a fecal transplant. Makes sense, kind of, but not really, right? Yeah, you wouldn't want to think that the health of your.

6m 12s
6m 14s

You think I'm joking? You think I'm joking?

6m 14s
6m 15s

You do?

6m 15s
6m 23s

There's no waiting list for that shit. Kidneys, yes. Kidneys, yes. You wait two years for kidney liver shit, dude, you better be white.

6m 23s
6m 24s

That's so true.

6m 24s
6m 25s

You know what I mean?

6m 25s
6m 30s

Shit, you can all have somebody give it to you. Fresh shit.

6m 31s
6m 34s

You be at the operating table, they got fresh shit.

6m 34s
6m 40s

Yeah, the doctors just shit. Right? They don't even need to go anywhere.

6m 40s
6m 44s

You get, like, vegan shit is the best, right? No added hormones. No added hormones.

6m 45s
6m 46s

But you're tired all the time.

6m 46s
6m 47s

You need naps.

6m 48s
6m 51s

You guys gave me some bum shit.

6m 51s
6m 53s

Vegan shit will kill you.

6m 53s
6m 54s


6m 54s
6m 57s

Just doesn't have the right amino acid chains.

6m 57s
7m 7s

So this guy, Rikitozon, if you watch that, that might be, like, one of the first ever double crosses that's on video.

7m 7s
7m 22s

I don't think there's anything like that on world star hip hop, even. Seriously, think about that. It's so clear, even though it's black and white and 100 years ago, you see the strikes clearly and there's lights.

7m 23s
7m 25s

That's what, a new thug life video.

7m 25s
7m 28s

Yeah, someone's definitely going to.

7m 28s
7m 37s

Sunglasses will drop down when they got his hands up in the air. For real, man. Yeah. That's a ruthless. Ruthless beat down.

7m 37s
7m 41s

Not quite as ruthless as that Suge knight fucking thing. Holy.

7m 41s
7m 44s

That was horrible. That's horrible, man.

7m 45s
7m 55s

People kept telling me about it, but I just didn't get to it. And then finally someone said, dude, sit down, watch this shit. I go, okay. It's brutal, dude.

7m 55s
8m 7s

We watched it on the air. Yeah, we watched it live. Like, not live, but the first time I saw it, and it was unbelievable. It's hard to imagine that someone could do that. Just ran those dudes over.

8m 7s
8m 14s

He's saying that now that the video is out, now people are going to see the truth, that it was self defense.

8m 15s
8m 15s


8m 15s
8m 16s

That's what he said.

8m 16s
8m 17s

Oh, my God.

8m 17s
8m 18s

He's crazy. That's what he said.

8m 18s
8m 19s

He said one guy was coming after.

8m 19s
8m 20s

Him with a gun. That's why.

8m 20s
8m 22s

So he had to run a moment because of the gun.

8m 22s
8m 48s

Well, it seems like there was a gun in that video or something that the guy took out and put in the gun spot behind your lower back. Does somebody ever do that with a chrome? Like, man walking over, let me get his comb. Yeah, and stick it in the crack of your butt. No, you only put guns back there. When a guy does that and he sticks something behind their back, it's owning a gun. It's never a cell phone. It's never anything else. It's a fucking gun.

8m 49s
8m 49s

That's it.

8m 49s
8m 56s

It's a gun. Nobody puts anything back there but a gun. What the fuck else do you hold behind belts? Your ass cheeks.

8m 56s
8m 56s


8m 56s
8m 58s

Between your ass cheeks and your pants.

8m 58s
9m 1s

Jujitsu belts. When I give promotions, I hide it behind my butt.

9m 2s
9m 3s

You do?

9m 3s
9m 19s

That's the only thing that's true. I was going to promote him, your honor. He'd been training four years straight, three times a week, your honor. Three times. I have the documents here. Three times a week for two years. He was due for his brown belt.

9m 19s
9m 31s

Yeah, well, he ran over the brown belt, too. Then he ran over that dude. He ran over that dude, and that dude apparently lived. The second guy died. The second guy ran over his head?

9m 31s
9m 34s

Yes. The guy that went flying off screen.

9m 34s
9m 34s


9m 34s
9m 35s


9m 35s
9m 42s

Fuck, man. Yeah. The stories about that, those are going to go on for eternity.

9m 42s
9m 60s

The rap world. Holy shit. If you're in that rap music world, the more famous you get. It's like in China. The more famous you get in China, the triads take over. You know what I mean? They're like, you got to pay us, son. We're responsible for this, know? We own the movie houses or whatever. And in the rap world,

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