#1687 - Jimmy Dore

#1687 - Jimmy Dore

The Joe Rogan Experience

Jimmy Dore is a standup comedian, political commentator, and host of “The Jimmy Dore Show.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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0m 2s
0m 6s

Joe Rogan podcast. Check it out. The Joe Rogan experience.

0m 6s
0m 7s

Train by day.

0m 7s
0m 14s

Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day. It's always some extreme shit. You.

0m 15s
1m 4s

I know, I know. This is the most extreme, though. This is the closest I've ever come to dying, I think, doing one of these things. I just don't know why. I just. My friend Jocko Willink, he sent me a video of his kid doing 20 minutes in the ice bath. Because the first time I did it, I did it, I bailed at like a minute and a half. And I was like, oh, my God, this is so cold. And then last night I did it, and I got to 4 minutes, and I was like, I think I can go further. And so today what I decided to do is set a timer. So when I set a timer, like, I had my phone timer on, so I could look at the timer, and when I did that, I could stare and I knew how much time was passed. And so I got to 5 minutes. That was my goal, to get to 5 minutes. I was like, fuck it, let's go for ten. I got to ten. I was like, fuck it, 15. I got to 15. And then I was like, we're going to go for 20. And I got to 20 minutes. 33 degrees too. I'm fucking freezing in.

1m 4s
1m 5s


1m 5s
1m 33s

And then when I got to 20 and I got out, I could barely walk. And then I was shivering the entire shivering, like hardcore shivering in my house, shivering all the way over. It's 90 degrees in Texas. I'm driving, no ac on, windows rolled up. Freezing, freezing. Normally, I'd be like sweating like a pig in there. I was freezing, shivering the entire, like, all the way over here. I got here, I'm wearing this sweatshirt because I had it laying around here. I put it on because I was freezing.

1m 33s
1m 43s

Yeah, while you were doing that, I was hitting my snooze button. I swear to God, that's what I was. Joe's right now at an ice bath trying to do another 5 minutes. I'm going to do another 5 minutes, too.

1m 44s
1m 52s

I don't know who's doing the right thing. You might be doing the right thing. I might be torturing myself. Yeah, it's probably like a point of diminishing returns. Probably like 5 minutes or something.

1m 52s
1m 54s

You're very close to hypothermia.

1m 54s
2m 2s

Oh, look at that. Mild hypothermia, 35 to 32 degrees. But is that your body? What? Moderate?

2m 2s
2m 3s

Looking up like the symptoms was the.

2m 3s
2m 24s

First couple of things you were saying shivering. Yeah. Let me see what the symptoms are exhaustion. No, I'm definitely not exhausted. I'm confused as to why I did it. Fumbling hands? No. Memory loss? No. Sword speech? No. Drowsiness? No. What's the difference between exhaustion and feeling tired or drowsiness? They're redundant. That seems a little. Right?

2m 24s
2m 24s


2m 24s
2m 39s

The thing is the breathing exercises. If you deep breathe, I deep breathe through it. In the beginning, I was just kind of breathing normal, and then once it got real rough, I started doing these deep breathing exercises, like, 6 seconds in and 6 seconds out, and then it was more tolerable.

2m 40s
2m 52s

Yeah, it's amazing what people do to. I was just hanging by my thumbs for 6 hours. I'm like, I could do it. Let's just do it. Let's see if I could do it. Because my friend sent me a video of his kid hanging by his thumbs, and I was like, I bet I could do it longer.

2m 53s
2m 54s

I don't know.

2m 54s
2m 55s

I don't know.

2m 55s
2m 56s

I don't know what I do.

2m 57s
3m 9s

All this stuff, you guys, it's always like, you can't eat, but once every 36 hours, you got to breathe through your nose, and then your mouth will expand, and you'll have the right bite. And I'm like, all this crazy shit I never knew about.

3m 9s
3m 18s

Yeah. I've gotten this accidental education on this show, just wanting to talk like James Nestor, the breathe guy, the guy who.

3m 18s
3m 21s

Makes the palate bigger, literally makes it. Did you do that?

3m 21s
3m 56s

No, I didn't do that. No, I didn't do that. I do do the breathing exercises, but that's like a type of breathing, I think you're supposed to do something as you do. What is that called? Mewing. Isn't it called mewing? There's, like, a thing that they say that people do to sort of expand your palate. It changes the inside of your mouth somehow or another. Well, apparently our mouths mewing is the placement of the tongue on the roof of the mouth, which proponents say can reshape the face and help correct orthodontic Breathing and facial structural issues. It was developed by an orthodontist named John Mu in the 1970s.

3m 56s
3m 58s

So now why don't more people do that?

3m 58s
4m 20s

Why don't more people do a lot of things? Deep breathing exercises are phenomenal for your immune system. They're phenomenal for relaxation, for alleviate anxiety. There's a lot of different things that you can do that people don't do because they're hard. We have to overcome. That's the thing. It's overcoming this sort of hesitancy to do things that are difficult.

4m 21s
5m 14s

Well, that's the short term, long term, right? So if you want a long term gain or a short term gain, and that's the whole point. That's the whole point of life, right? You got to be able to take pain. But every time I put a mask on, I think of that episode where you talk about sniffing, breathing through your nose. Because if I breathe through my mouth with the mask on, it smells horrible. I never knew I had such bad breath. I'm like, wow. It's like, holy shit. Like I'm farting out of my mouth. I don't know how people wear masks all goddamn day. So even when you have to change masks, even when I'm on the plane, I'll take a little blanket and I'll put it over, and then I'll take my mask off, because I can't sit there like that. I act like I'm like that. I can't do it. I don't know how people wear masks. All people who have to go to work and wear masks all day, and they don't get paid double. That's crazy.

5m 14s
5m 17s

It is crazy, and it's not healthy for you, I don't think.

5m 17s
5m 17s

How could that be?

5m 17s
5m 43s

It can't be. I read or listened, rather, to this doctor describing masks, and he said there is a certain amount of viral load that the mask will filter out. But essentially, he goes, I wear a mask so that people don't think I'm an asshole. He said, when you use a mask, it's essentially like a chain link fence trying to stop a handful of sand. He goes, some of it will get stopped.

5m 44s
5m 44s


5m 44s
6m 8s

Yeah. He goes, but why do you wear a mask? He goes, you wear a mask so that people don't think you're an asshole, and then people realize you care unless you're wearing a very tight fitting n 95 mask. It's really sealed off. And then how are you getting air in these things that Reggie Watts told us about? They're these, like, headgear things. HEPA filter.

6m 8s
6m 8s

I've seen those.

6m 8s
6m 25s

Yeah, we have those out there. They're like space suit helmets. Those are legit, like that thing. You actually tighten it on your neck like an. You know, Reggie was like, this is what I'm going to wear when I travel. I'm like, yeah, why not? You're a fucking wild dude. Reggie Watts is wearing a spacesuit.

6m 25s
6m 26s

Every. I was going to do that.

6m 26s
6m 26s

Why not?

6m 26s
6m 46s

Because I had an offer to go to Italy, and I was like, but I was afraid to risk getting sick. This is last year. And then I wasn't going to go, and it's like, no, you can't even travel to Italy. You can't go anywhere. And so everything got bad. But I think it's going to. Are you afraid about the dates?

6m 46s
6m 46s

There's Reggie.

6m 46s
6m 49s

Yeah, that's it.

6m 49s
6m 54s

Yeah, that's the thing. We have them outside. Look at Reggie. He's so wild.

6m 55s
6m 57s

But aren't you afraid that dates going to get canceled?

6m 58s
6m 58s


6m 58s
6m 59s

So I'm going to start happening again.

6m 59s
7m 21s

Yes, I am. And I'm just accepting it. I'm just Zen. It is what it is. It's not. The worst thing that can happen is dates get canceled. I've had a date scheduled for 420 in Vancouver for the past two years. It was supposed to be 420 of 2020, and now it's going to be 420 of 2022 because you can't even get there.

7m 22s
7m 22s


7m 23s
7m 33s

Obviously, 421 is gone and they're opening up Canada in August, so it might not even happen then. We're supposed to be in Vancouver.

7m 33s
7m 36s

You mean Canada is not open right now? Not really.

7m 36s
7m 52s

I mean, you can kind of get in, but I think it's a big deal and you have to quarantine. Are they open to international travel? I think when you're a Madison, you know, the chef, he was here and he said that he had a quarantine for two weeks when he went back.

7m 52s
7m 53s

That's quite a name. Maddie Madison.

7m 53s
7m 54s

He's a bad motherfucker.

7m 54s
8m 4s

I always like names like that. Chris Christie, Maddie Madison. That'd be like if I was Jimmy Jimmyson. Look, it's Joe Joeyson. How are you, Joey? Joe.

8m 5s
8m 15s

It's a weird time, but it is what it mean. There's nothing you can do about it. So I just accept it. So if dates get canceled, there's worse things.

8m 15s
8m 25s

Yeah. All right, well, it's good talking to you. It is what it is. All right. Take care. Good to see you, Jamie.

8m 25s
8m 30s

I mean, what can you do other than try to stay healthy? Try to stay healthy.

8m 30s
8m 37s

Here's a weird thing. Maybe I shouldn't say this. No, I won't say.

8m 37s
8m 51s

Okay, I get it. Yeah. It's a weird time when you talk about things openly, right? Because there's certain things that if you just discuss them honestly, people are going to get furious at you. There's certain opinions that if you hold these opinions, people are going to get furious at you.

8m 51s
9m 2s

So to me, that's the worst byproduct of the Trump presidency was that questions. You're not allowed to question things you're not allowed to have certain thoughts.

9m 2s
9m 2s


9m 2s
9m 19s

And if you have certain thoughts, you're considered deplorable. And it's real. That's a real thing happening. And just like, for instance, remember when, if you gave the theory that the virus started in a lab.

9m 19s
9m 19s


9m 20s
9m 28s

That you were canceled and that was misinformation. And then Jon Stewart goes on Stephen Colbert and does the funniest bit in the world about it.

9m 29s
9m 31s

Even though Colbert was trying to, like.

9m 32s
9m 36s

He was doing the opposite of what comedians are supposed to do, he wasn't doing. Yes. And.

9m 36s
9m 36s


9m 36s
9m 40s

So when Jon Stewart was being hilarious, he kept trying to take the legs out from underneath.

9m 40s
9m 43s

I'd like to see some evidence, if you have any evidence.

9m 43s
9m 60s

How long have you worked for Ron Johnson? It's like, what in the f are you doing? This guy's doing a brilliant comedy, and he is so shit libbed Stephen Colbert. His brain is so shit libbed that he can't even go along with the bit. He has to break comedy rules to save his shitlib

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