#1475 - Bridget Phetasy
The Joe Rogan ExperienceEpisode mentions
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I came to make a citizen's arrest.
Oh, congrats. Touchy.
These days we're less than 6ft apart, I believe.
I think we're okay.
Do we need to wear masks?
No, we don't. Well, you don't. You got tested. And I've been tested too.
I got one of the Joe Rogan tests. I feel special.
You are special. Did you see that? The LA. They have a number now where you could turn in businesses that aren't complying. What is going on?
What is this?
Who's doing that?
But this is bad government. Listen, there's zero effort talking about giving people information on how to strengthen your immune system. Zero effort. Zero effort. Talking people about lowering stress levels through meditation and exercise. Zero. The importance of keeping your body healthy. Zero talk about this. Yeah, zero concentrating on the new data that's coming in about vitamins and all the different. Vitamin deficiency. Yes, Dr. Rhonda Patrick knocked it all out of the park on the podcast yesterday. Fuck, man, it's crazy. These people are just like stay home, locked up.
Aside from the government, snitches get stitches. This is basic childhood etiquette.
Well, they were first given snitches for people who are violating social distancing, but now they're moving on to businesses that are non compliant.
But how are you supposed to make money?
How are you supposed to make money? I don't understand. Like, what is the thought behind. Here's the crazy thing. Garcetti said we're going to keep LA on at least partial lockdown until there's a cure. There's not going to be a cure, you fucking dummy. It's a virus.
And isn't it a cold virus? Yes.
You don't cure viruses unless you find a way to eradicate it from the actual gene pool.
But did he actually say that there's a cure?
You can't say that. First of all, I'm sure what he meant is like, a viable treatment, a vaccine. But they're saying that even a vaccine, there's never been a coronavirus vaccine. Mayor La will never be, never completely reopened until we have a cure. That's his quote.
That just seems. I mean, we don't have a cure for the flu.
That poor lady. Who is the health lady? Someone needs to give her a steak and let her lie outside in the like. Jesus Christ. You're the health lady.
I heard you're moving. She looks on the wires.
Listen, we're all talking about it. All of us talk about it. Everyone who all my friends, Callan Shawb, Joey Diaz, everyone.
You can just go and start like a cult. A davidian ranch.
We're just going to be upfront about it. All these people hide the fact they have a cult ten years from.
Call it a cult ten years from now. It's just Waco and no name. Joe.
We're just going to call it the cult. We'll have the band play the cult. Thanks to.
I would join if you started.
Super underrated band love removal machine. Holy fuck. That's a good jam to work out, too.
I would probably join your cult.
Thank you. I would have you.
Thank you.
Yeah. Basically have everybody, if you're nice, just be nice and tell the truth. And if you fuck up, tell the truth about that. We love you. This is the idea of the cult. We just call it the cult and we just get a gigantic chunk of land somewhere and start building.
What do I have to pay? What are the dues?
No dues.
No dues.
That's the key. That's where everything goes wrong. Here's two ways things go wrong. The cult leader, that's a problem. You should never have a cult leader.
So you're not the leader.
No, there's no leader.
It's just an amorphous cult.
Yeah. I think everybody should be informed and get to vote. That's how it should be. Okay, but you have to be informed. You can't just vote. You got to be informed and get to vote.
You're starting your own state.
Something like that. The state of thousand acres. That's all we need. A few thousand acres in, like, Colorado or helicopters. I got some plans.
I've been looking at Idaho.
Idaho is good. I know Wyoming's Idaho, by the way. Boise is. I don't even want to talk about it right now on the podcast. I want to blow it up for Boise.
They get mad at me when I talk about going to Idaho. They're like, don't give away our secret. Let everyone go to Texas.
I did a show in Boise a little over a year ago, and I was like, I feel like I should not tell people about this. This is a goddamn secret. Like, you guys have this really cool town. Boise is this really cool town. It's a little red. But, hey, I get along with people that are red, by the way, more a lot of times than I get along with people that are ideologically left, like, without thinking about it. You know what I'm saying? There's people that are left because they're compassionate and they want people to have freedom and the choice to do whatever they want to do with their body.
Were you raised Democrat?
No. Yeah. Yes, Democrat.
Raised hippie. My stepfather had long hair down to his ass. My parents went from New Jersey, like really italian neighborhood to Francisco.
Oh, okay.
Became a hippie. But my stepdad was a hippie when my mom met him. And then when we moved across the country when I was seven, we lived in San Francisco in the middle of where Lombard street is. So you all just flower children and gay people and fuck this war. Like, I was in San Francisco when the Vietnam war broke.
Oh, okay.
When I was a little kid, when it ended, when the war ended, rather. And I remember thinking like, wow, they're never going to have war again. They figured it out, thank God.
I was worried, because there's people that were around me that were. If there was younger folks, they were worried about being drafted.
And so you were pretty indoctrinated with all that.
Oh, yeah.
But I don't think that's what's going on here with the left today. There's a lot of weird cult shit. It really is like cult shit. It's like religious shit. It's like instead of thinking rationally and looking at the faults of both sides, the faults of one side are completely ignored or exonerated, or you find a way to forgive it or to find out for you do mental gymnastics until you can let them get away with all sorts of heinous shit. Privacy invading shit, going after whistleblowers, drone attacks, like fucking across the board, everything. Right?
But I would say this is true about the maggots, too.
Oh, yeah.
There's a certain amount of. I mean, speaking of cults, it's a little bit like, dear leadery, they fell into something.
They fell into something. They fell into the spell of a powerful figure that they feel like they don't have a word in. They're not represented. First of all, it's really hard for assholes to find a king. All kings are noble. Like most of the people that were running for president, most of the people that were president, they were at least outwardly noble. They weren't the type of people that talk shit on someone to call someone horseface on.
So there was a certain amount of dignity. They were dignified to a certain extent.
And Trump is Trump. Love him or hate him, he's Trump. And assholes have a king now. They never had a king before, and there's a lot of assholes. It's a large market.
Well, what's interesting, I think on the left. And what you're saying is it's more of a religion and it's a free floating ideology that everybody's a bit enamored by, but they don't have that one personality that they rally around and that they focus on. And they feel like they don't have a voice either. So it's very similar feelings, I think, that drive that.
And it's similar also in that the really far left people are the ones that people point to when they mock the left, whereas the vast majority of them don't fall into that right.
And I've been hard on the left. Hard on them, and rightfully so, I think to a certain extent because I do see a lot of this stuff like the language policing and the erosion of freedom of speech to a certain extent as deeply terrifying. But I've kind of been saying I see fascism on all sides kind of encroaching. There's elements of it, the creepy worship of the cult of personality, just abiding by this mob mentality. And I've been feeling pretty nihilistic.
But isn't it also because you've been locked up?
No, that's normal for me.
So what's making you feel more nihilistic?
I've never felt less optimistic about people's ability to govern themselves. So this american experiment is supposed to be one in which it's smaller government and we're adults, we're grown ups. And now I feel like everybody's ratting on everybody else. Everyone's looking to somebody to save them or tell them what to do. There's this lack, and it comes to the culture is just so lack of resilience, just psychological resilience. And so I don't know, I've been feeling. You don't know who to believe? Where do you get your news from? Where do you get your trusted news from?
It's a good question. I don't, I've been not getting, like, I just skim through things these days because it's so frustrating. First of all, there's too many series to follow. There's the Obama Gate series. You got to follow case nutcase, the sitting president, the exiting president literally hires or gets the FBI to investigate Trump.
I don't know anything about Obamagate, but I did see a takedown of Obama Gate that was pretty harsh, where the guy was like, it basically relies on you having to believe a series of conspiracy theories in order for it to even hold up. And I am going to
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