Solving The Epidemic of Mental Illness Caused By Social Media | Jonathan Haidt
The Daily StoicJonathan Haidt is the Thomas Cooley Professor of Ethical Leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business. He obtained his PhD in social psychology from the University of Pennsylvania and taught at the University of Virginia for sixteen years. His research focuses on moral and political psychology, as described in his book The Righteous Mind . His latest book, The Anxious Generation, is a direct continuation of the themes explored in The Coddling of the American Mind. You can grab a signed copy of his books, The Happiness Hypothesis , The Righteous Mind , and The Coddling Mind from The Painted Porch -*Jonathan’s Substack: www.anxiousgeneration.comX: @jonhaidtIG: @realjonathanhaidt✉️ Si
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