307: Addressing my Weaknesses

307: Addressing my Weaknesses

The Bootstrapped Founder

I’m a pretty okay developer, but when it comes to marketing and sales, I really need help. And for the longest time, I’ve held myself back. That ends today.My current SaaS business, Podscan, is at a point where some very important decisions need to be made. I’ve got something quite big in the works, and I’ll be talking about this next week in much more detail, but it made me think about the long-term needs a business like mine has, how I can personally fulfill them, and where I have skill gaps that I will have to work on. This episode is sponsored by Acquire.comThe blog post: https://thebootstrappedfounder.com/addressing-my-weaknesses/The podcast episode: https://tbf.fm/episodes/307-addressing-my-weaknesses Check out Podscan to get alerts when you're mentioned on podcasts: https://pods
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