302: Nick Groeneveld — Speaking the Language of your Customers
The Bootstrapped FounderNick Groeneveld (@ToolboxOfDesign) understands that design isn't about gadgets, widgets, or buttons. For Nick, design is understanding the needs, desires, and expectations of those you aim to serve. We chat about talking to your customers, what common mistakes indie hackers make when thinking about "design", and just how much more UX means than web interfaces.Nick is ALSO the guy behind my interview videos and thumbnails! He's the producer of The Bootstrapped Founder, really. We talk about how freelancing and working with a media partner works, how he juggles his financials, and what lifestyle he aims for.Nick on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ToolboxOfDesign00:00:00 Designing for the User Experience00:09:34 Managing Feature Creep and Simplifying UX00:16:15 User-Centric Desig
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