257 | Derek Guy on the Theory and Practice of Dressing Well

257 | Derek Guy on the Theory and Practice of Dressing Well

Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas

Putting on clothes is one of the most universal human experiences. Inevitably, this involves choices; maybe you just grab the cheapest and most convenient clothing available, or maybe you want to fit seamlessly into your local environment, whatever that might be. But maybe you choose to dress more consciously, putting a bit of effort into crafting a personal style and creating a desired impression in others. Derek Guy has, to his own surprise, become well-known as the menswear guy on Twitter. He has put a lot of thought into both the practicalities of clothing (how to find a suit that fits) and its wider social impact (how fashion acts as a cultural language). We talk about both sides of the coin.(Picture on right is not Derek, but rather former US Attorney General Elliot Richardson, whose
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