183 - Neil Shubin: Fins, Limbs, and the Evolutionary Journey from Fish to Human

183 - Neil Shubin: Fins, Limbs, and the Evolutionary Journey from Fish to Human

Robinson's Podcast

Patreon: https://bit.ly/3v8OhY7 Neil Shubin is Robert R. Bensley Distinguished Professor of Organismal Biology and Anatomy at the University of Chicago. In addition to actively leading research expeditions across the globe, Neil runs the Shubin Lab, where genetic, kinematic, and paleontologic work combine to investigate some of the major transitions in evolution. In this episode, Robinson and Neil discuss some of these transitions, including the importance of the Devonian and Triassic Periods, how fish moved from water to land, and how early terrestrial environments accommodated them. Neil’s most recent book is Some Assembly Required: Decoding Four Billion Years of Life, from Ancient Fossils to DNA (Random House, 2020).  The Shubin Lab: https://shubinlab.uchicago.edu Neil’s Twitter:
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