How to Crush Product-led Acquisition Bottlenecks and Improve Conversion

How to Crush Product-led Acquisition Bottlenecks and Improve Conversion

ProductLed Podcast

In this episode of the ProductLed Podcast, Wes Bush and Laura Kluz focus on an acquisition growth process. They discuss a structured approach involving a 60-90 minute weekly meeting aimed at enhancing not only acquisition but also engagement and monetization aspects of a business. Wes emphasizes the importance of identifying bottlenecks in the business and collaboratively finding solutions as a team, rather than placing the burden on a single individual.  Highlights 02:30: Wes Bush explains the purpose and structure of the weekly growth meeting. 06:27: Discussion on identifying and prioritizing business bottlenecks. 09:19: Brainstorming session on generating solutions for acquisition challenges. 13:13: Tips on how to efficiently brainstorm and prioritize solutions. 16:55: Review
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