#769 - Dr Shanna Swan - Why Are Men’s Testosterone Levels Plummeting?

#769 - Dr Shanna Swan - Why Are Men’s Testosterone Levels Plummeting?

Modern Wisdom

Dr. Shanna Swan is a Professor at the Icahn School of Medicine, an environmental and reproductive epidemiologist and an author. Many of us have heard about about harmful chemicals in plastics, food and water that can mess with our hormones. But just how much truth is in this? How much of our health is disrupted by our modern environment? Expect to learn what is happening to male and female reproductive health, how important testosterone is for everyone, the problems with male fertility rates and sperm count, the chemicals that are most impacting reproductive health, what men can do to improve and increase their sperm count, how to limit your exposure to bad chemicals and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Sign up for
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