Episode 177 - CSS - Cascading Sips of Sangria
Front End Happy HourCSS has been quickly evolving. In this episode, we are joined by Estelle Weyl and Eric Meyer to explore the new properties that are now available.
Estelle Weyl
Eric Meyer - @meyerweb
Ryan Burgess - @burgessdryan
Stacy London - @stacylondoner
Augustus Yuan - @augburto
Cole Turner - @coleturner
Estelle Weyl - Gluten-free Oreo cookies
Eric Meyer - perfwork.com (Web Performance Job board)
Eric Meyer - Mat Marquis Javascript for Web Designers A Book Apart
Eric Meyer - Estelle’s Tracker for Menstrual Cycle Web App
Ryan Burgess - Dewalt Air Inflator
Stacy London - CSS: The Definitive Guide by Eric Meyer & Estelle Weyl
Stacy London - Vertebrae / Forgotten Places by Max Cooper
Augustus Yuan - Arc
Cole Turner - Wagwellies dog crocs
Cole Turner - BigMouth Inc. Ginormo
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