472 | The Cure for the Boring Middle | Fioneers

472 | The Cure for the Boring Middle | Fioneers


In this episode: the boring middle, lifestyle design, flow states, moving towards purpose, experiments, and experiences. This week we are rejoined by friend of the podcast Jessica from The Fioneers to the discuss the point of your FI journey known as the “Boring Middle,” and how through actionable steps and lifestyle design you can turn what feels like a stagnant stage in your FI journey, into one filled with growth and change! When you are well on your path towards reaching your FI goal, it is easy to feel like you’re not doing enough. But what feels like a waiting game can actually be an important time for self growth and experimentation. Taking the time to do some introspection to figure out what your core motivations are can allow you to begin opening yourself up to newer experiences t
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