471 | Mailbag: Inflation and FI, ACA Subsidies, Roth vs. Trad and More | Cody Garrett
ChooseFIIn this episode: inflation, coast FI, early retirement planning, future tax liability, IRA's and 401k's, and diversification. This week we are rejoined by founder of Measure Twice Money Cody Garrett for another installment of the Mail Bag, where we will be talking through questions from our listeners covering topics ranging from inflation and its implications on your FI number, ACA subsidies and early retirement, as well as the similarities and differences with Roth accounts and future retirement tax liabilities. Listen along while we dip into the listener mailbag this week and discuss topics chosen from YOU the listener! Cody Garrett: Website: measuretwicefinancial.com LinkedIn: Cody Garrett Timestamps: 1:02 - Introduction 1:35 - Inflation and Your FI N
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