2023 Mega-highlights Extravaganza

2023 Mega-highlights Extravaganza

80,000 Hours Podcast

Happy new year! We've got a different kind of holiday release for you today. Rather than a 'classic episode,' we've put together one of our favourite highlights from each episode of the show that came out in 2023. That's 32 of our favourite ideas packed into one episode that's so bursting with substance it might be more than the human mind can safely handle.There's something for everyone here: Ezra Klein on punctuated equilibrium Tom Davidson on why AI takeoff might be shockingly fast Johannes Ackva on political action versus lifestyle changes Hannah Ritchie on how buying environmentally friendly technology helps low-income countries  Bryan Caplan on rational irrationality on the part of voters Jan Leike on whether the release of ChatGPT increased or reduce
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